SAP SD Transaction Codes :-
XD01 Create Customer (Centrally)XD02 Change Customer (Centrally)
XD03 Display Customer (Centrally)
XD05 Block customer (centrally)
XD07 Change Customer Account Group
XDN1 Maintain Number Ranges (Customer)
Sales Order
VA01 Create Sales OrderVA02 Change Sales Order
VA03 Display Sales Order
VA05 List of Sales Orders
VA11 Create InquiryVA12 Change Inquiry
VA13 Display Inquiry
VA15 Inquiries List
VA21 Create QuotationVA22 Change Quotation
VA23 Display Quotation
VA25 Quotations List
VA41 Create ContractVA42 Change Contract
VA43 Display Contract
VA45 List of Contracts
Item Proposal
VA51 Create Item ProposalVA52 Change Item Proposal
VA53 Display Item Proposal
VA55 List of Item Proposal
Delivery (Outbound)
VL01 Create DeliveryVL01N Create Outbound Dlv. with Order Ref.
VL02N Change Outbound Delivery
VL03 Display Outbound Delivery
VL09 Cancel Goods Issue for Delivery Note
Customer management
FD32 Change Customer Credit ManagementFD33 Display Customer Credit Management
V/03 Create Condition Table (SD Price)V/04 Change Condition Table (Sales pr.)
V/05 Display Condition Table (Sales Pr.)
V/06 Condition Categories (SD Pricing)
V/07 Maintain Access (Sales Price)
V/08 Conditions (Procedure for A V)
V/09 Condition Types (Account Determine)
V/10 Account Determination (Access Seqnc)
V/11 Conditions (Account Determin.Proced.)
V/12 Account Determination (Create Table)
V/13 Account Determination (Change Table)
V/14 Account Determination (Display Table)
Will update soon... Check next post...
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